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Classroom Mentor Teachers

Livetext guides:

  • Can't access Livetext for a field experience placement:
    1. Go to
    2. Click on 'Log In'
    3. Enter the mentor teacher's school email address as the Username
    4. Click on 'Forgot Password'

This will generate an email to the mentor teacher's school email address that will allow you to reset the password, and then gain entry to Livetext FEM for the placement.

  • Problems getting an evaluation to 'submit"

Make sure that each radial button (circle) is clicked on, and something is entered in each Comment box - even if no response is needed (just enter NA). Please note that a score of '4' (Exemplary) is the highest, and a score of '1' is the lowest (Emerging). 

University Supervisor

Last Modified: 4/29/24 2:18 PM | Website Feedback