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Title IX at Southwest Minnesota State University

Title IX forbids sex discrimination in all university student services and academic programs including, but not limited to, admissions, financial aid, academic advising, housing, athletics, recreational services, health services, counseling services, Registrar's office, classroom assignments, grading, and discipline.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. It reads:
"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."
-- Legal Citation: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106 (Title IX)

Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and sexual violence.
It is the policy of Southwest Minnesota State University (SMSU), in accordance with federal and state law, to prohibit unlawful discrimination as outlined in Minnesota State Board Policy 1B.1, Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education, and Minnesota State Board Policy, 1B.3 Sexual Violence

Title IX Coordinator

The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for the monitoring and oversight of the overall implementation of Title IX compliance at the University, including coordination of training, education, communications, and administration of the complaint procedures for faculty, staff, students, and other members of the University community.

To file a complaint against a SMSU employee or student for sexual harassment, sex discrimination, or sexual assault, please contact:

Dr. Erin Kline, Assistant Vice President for Equity and Inclusion/ Campus Diversity Officer
Title IX Coordinator | 507-537-6657 | Founders Hall 216

Deputy Title IX Coordinators

The university officials listed below have been designated as Deputy Title IX coordinators and are responsible for Title IX compliance in matters involving students, employees, and visitors as well as training, education, communication, and investigation of complaints.

To file a complaint against an SMSU student or employee for sexual harassment, sex discrimination, or sexual assault, please contact:

Joyce Tofte, Violence Prevention and Education Coordinator/Deputy Coordinator and Investigator | 507-537-7241 | Founders Hall 117

Mike Munford, Director of University Public Safety | 507-537-7858 | Founders Hall 116

Gender Equity in Athletics

The Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA) requires that all co-education institutions of higher education that participate in any federal student financial aid program and have intercollegiate athletic programs must provide information concerning their intercollegiate athletic programs under the EADA guidelines. 

To learn more about EADA or to file a complaint about gender equity in SMSU athletic programs, please contact the Senior Women's Administrator.

Allison Monson, Assistant Director of Athletics; Senior Women's Administrator | 507-537-7133 | Founders Hall 321

Need Assistance

To file a complaint of sexual assault, contact one of the coordinators listed above, use our anonymous online report form, or contact:
SMSU's University Public Safety | 507-537-7252 | Founders Hall 108

Last Modified: 9/26/24 2:52 PM | Website Feedback