Self-Study Federal Compliance Team
Federal Compliance Team Description
The Federal Compliance Team will largely be made up of employees from Student Services and Administration offices. This team is responsible for gathering and evaluating all necessary information for the federal compliance section of the self-study, and will work closely with the evidence team as needed. This team will draft the federal compliance chapter of the self-study.
Federal Compliance Team Members
Steering Committee leaders = Scott Crowell (Dean of Students), Deb Kerkaert (VP Finance and Administration)
David Vikander (Financial Aid)
Mike Munford (Security and Residential Life)
Wanda Paluch (Residential Life)
Jackie Tauer (Business Services)
Deb Mitlyng (Dean’s Office)
Marcia Beukelman (Dean’s Office)
Alan Matzner (Institutional Research)
Student Government Rep(s)
Last Modified: 6/3/22 4:44 PM | Website Feedback