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Abstract Information

Guide for Abstract Preparation:

The First Author for each presentation will need to submit the final Abstract that has been approved by the sponsoring faculty and Co- Authors. This submission will require the following information:

1. The Abstract should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt font

2. First Author's name (person who's name appears first on the presentation), and affiliation (university and department / program)
          • Faculty Sponsor(s) name
          • Student Co-Authors' names (up to four)

3. Title of Presentation

4. Main Text of Abstract: A maximum of 250 words, not including the title, names of authors, and affiliations. The text is usually a single paragraph that should include the following basic components:

a) Motivation/problem statement: Why do we care about the problem? What practical, scientific, theoretical or artistic gap accomplishes your research filling? What does your reader need before they can understand why you performed this scholarship/creative activity?

b) Methods/procedure/approach: Provide methods for how you set your goals. How did you perform the study? What methods did you use to achieve your results? (e.g. studied 2 novels, finished a series of 6 oil paintings, surveyed 2 communities) Check that your methods match the upcoming results.

c) Results/findings/products: Choose your most significant findings and describe them. What did you accomplish? What did you learn/invent/create?

d) Conclusion/implications: What are the larger implications of your findings, especially for the problem/gap identified in step 1? Make sure your conclusions are supported by your results.

Contact Information

For more information regarding the MnSCU Undergraduate Research Conference contact:

Dr. Emily Deaver, Professor of Environmental Science
Southwest Minnesota State University, SM 171
1501 State Street * Marshall, MN 56258
Ph: 507-537-6171 * Fax: 507-537-6151

Last Modified: 8/25/22 9:32 AM | Website Feedback