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Supporting Safe and Inclusive Campus Communities

Minnesota State colleges and universities have an enduring commitment to enhancing Minnesota’s quality of life by developing and fostering understanding and appreciation of a free and diverse society and providing equal opportunity for all its students and employees. Minnesota State is committed to ensuring welcoming and supportive campus environments. Inclusiveness is embraced through the Strategic Framework, in board policies, in our systemwide equity and inclusion goals, and it is an integral part of our core institutional values.

Colleges and universities throughout the system are implementing intentional strategies to aspire for all students and employees to experience a safe, healthy, and welcoming campus climate. 

One way we deliver on this goal is by equipping campus leaders and employees with tools to effectively address issues of concern, bias, and discrimination. Minnesota State and each of its colleges and universities have internal resources to promote a safe and welcoming environment for students and employees. This guide includes reminders for employees about resources available from the college, university, and system office, as well as some external resources. Familiarity with the content of the resources will help campus personnel support students and colleagues.

State and Federal Law FAQs

Last Modified: 2/5/25 12:51 PM | Website Feedback