Interested in pursuing a master’s degree?
SMSU offers master’s degrees in business administration (MBA), education, physical education, and special education. The M.S. Education is available with a variety of emphases to meet your career goals and the needs of today’s educators. The MBA is available with a general business, leadership or marketing concentration to meet the demands of business professionals.
Programs are offered in delivery options that meet the learning and living needs of today’s adult learner. Programs are offered traditionally through on-campus coursework, completely online, blended delivery of both online and on-campus courses, or via a cohort learning community platform.

My Southwest experience has taught me the value of a liberal arts education and that has allowed me to gain employment in areas that I did not directly study in school. The exposure to business, critical thinking, speech, education, travel and the arts has opened many doors and has enhanced my personal and professional life.
Blended programs delivered with a combination of online and on-campus learning include: M.S. Education with emphasis in sports leadership; teaching, learning and leadership; or teaching English as a second language; as well as the Master of Business Administration (MBA) which offers courses in evenings and online to meet the needs of working professionals.
Learning Community programs are delivered at designated off-campus sites to which a cohort of learners travel for the duration of their two-year program. The M.S. Education with teaching, learning and leadership emphasis is available through the learning community format. Many new sites are being planned. Visit the learning community web page to learn about opportunities near you.
Fully online programs in education and business include: M.S. Education with emphases in English, Mathematics, Reading, or Special Education; M.S. Physical Education: Coaching of Sport; and MBA in cohort format.