What is Assessment?
Higher Learning Commission Definition
Assessment of Student Learning is a Participatory, Interactive Process That:
- Provides data/information you need on your students’ learning
- Engages you and others in analyzing and using this data/information to confirm and improve teaching and learning
- Produces evidence that students are learning the outcomes you intended
- Guides you in making educational and institutional improvements
- Evaluates whether changes made improve/impact student learning, and documents the learning and your efforts
Fundamental Questions for Evaluation:
- How are your stated learning outcomes appropriate to your mission, programs, students and degrees?
- How do you ensure shared responsibility for student learning & assessment of student learning?
- What evidence do you have that students achieve your stated learning outcomes?
- In what ways do you analyze and use evidence of student learning?
- How do you evaluate and improve the effectiveness of your efforts to assess and improve student learning?
Click here to learn more about the Higher Learning Commission
From “Student Learning, Assessment and Accreditation: Criteria and Contexts”, presented at Making a Difference in Student Learning: Assessment as a Core Strategy, a workshop from the Higher Learning Commission, July 26-28, 2006.
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