Health Insurance FAQs
Q: Am I covered by my insurance during the summer?
A: Yes. International students pay for the insurance from August 1st to July 31st of the following year. You are covered for the entire year.
Q: Am I covered while I am traveling outside of Minnesota?
A: Yes. You are covered and would have the best coverage if you go to a clinic that has a physician that is a network provider. (A physician that is in the UnitedHealthcare network.)
You may go to and go to “find my school’s plan” and go to UHC Options PPO. You may also call customer service at 1-888-251-6243.
Q: Do I have dental coverage?
A: Only for injuries to your teeth; It will not cover cleanings or cavities. However, you may purchase dental insurance through the school during the enrollment period at the end of summer and in February that covers basic cleanings and basic cavities. The maximum coverage is $500 per year. You may enroll at
Q: Will my insurance cover a physical?
A: Unfortunately, the insurance will not cover physicals because the policy is an illness and injury plan. This is to keep the cost of the insurance down to keep it affordable.
Other things that are not covered are eye exams, eye glasses, vaccines, sleep disorders and ADHD. Other exclusions are listed in the health brochure on page 12 and 13 which you should have received from the school or go to
Please call customer service with any questions. 1-888-251-6243
Last Modified: 7/18/22 11:43 AM | Website Feedback