How to pay for Study Travel
Sometimes making the decision to participate in a Study Travel program can be a very difficult choice. Among many other issues, you have to consider your graduation requirements, work and internship opportunities, and family and personal obligations. Program expense and funding continues to be one of the most common and significant hurdles to study travel.
But did you know that about 74% of study travel participants receive some sort of financial assistance?
There are many ways to help pay for study travel and maximize the resources that are available to you. We recognize that not all students can afford to pay for Study Travel programs out of their own personal funds, but the suggestions below will help you pay for your Study Travel trips:
- Use what you already have - You can use your current federal financial aid, scholarships, or personal funds to pay for the trip. Start by requesting a review of your financial aid from the Office of Financial Aid. Your Cost of Attendance will need to be adjusted to include the cost of the trip.
- Apply for scholarships - Local professional and social societies, as well as service organizations may provide scholarship opportunities.You can apply for scholarships through these organizations, such as Rotary International, Asia Pacific Fun, and many others. The Office of Financial Aid maintains a list of scholarship opportunities here.
- Fundraising - Keep in mind that local, regional and national groups, as well as individuals, are all possible contributors. Some examples are:
- Heritage groups that have interests in specific countries (e.g. Japan America Society)
- Civic groups (Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions Clubs)
- Agencies and foundations
- Travel agencies
- High school alumni associations
- Professional and business clubs
- Media (newspapers, radio and TV)
- Sororities and fraternities (local and national chapters)
- Residence hall councils or floor governments
- Vocational rehabilitation agencies (for students with disabilities)
- Charitable, ethnic, religious and campus organizations
Direct, informal requests often work best. State exactly how you intend to spend the funds (airfare, program fee, tuition, personal travel, etc.). Always include a photo of yourself with your request so that the donor will establish a personal connection with you. Try to make donating as easy as possible (cash or check), so that you're more likely to get an actual donation rather than a promise to donate, and don't be afraid to follow up if you haven't received a response.
Enthusiasm, creativity, and perseverance on your part - and not fearing rejection in some instances - will likely take you a long way. The keys to successful fundraising are confidence and perseverance! Keep careful records of who supported you and the amount. Be sure to express your appreciation for their support.
Last Modified: 7/18/22 11:24 AM | Website Feedback