Interested in science?
SMSU offers a wide-range of science-related majors to prepare students for careers in high-demand STEM fields and the growing wellness fields. Our bachelor’s degree programs include: Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Exercise Science. Medical Laboratory Science, and Secondary Ed Biology or Chemistry. Minors in Physics and Nutrition are also available.
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A campus visit is one of the best ways to tell if Southwest Minnesota State University is the right fit for you.

I have experienced many levels of education, but none filled with more supportive or genuinely caring individuals than SMSU faculty, whose focus was always to make their students successful.

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Career opportunities are as varied as the science field itself. Our alumni go on to work in medicine, environmental education centers, pharmaceuticals, the petroleum industry, government agencies such as the Department of Natural Resources or the Environmental Protection Agency, corporate fitness, nutrition, cardiac rehabilitation, physical therapy, environmental law, medical laboratories, K-12 schools, universities as professors and researchers in inorganic chemistry and marine biology.
What makes SMSU a great place to study science? You’ll be taught by faculty with PhDs not graduate students. You’ll have opportunities for hands-on learning and research early in your college years, not just as a senior. All students in science majors are encouraged to delve into deeper study and give presentations of their work at the annual Undergraduate Research Conference. This undergraduate research experience makes our students well-prepared for graduate school.
In addition to research projects, all programs provide opportunities for students to engage in experiential learning. Biology students have access to work in the biology lab, natural history museum, greenhouse, and the 40-acre wildlife area. Environmental science students participate in the Redwood River water testing program which gives them hands-on field experiences as well as mentoring local high school and middle school students in collecting water samples. Chemistry students have access to state-of-the-art equipment including a new 300 MHz NMR spectrometer in addition to other specialized spectrometers and chromatographs. Exercise Science students work in the biomechanics, kinesiology, exercise physiology labs to provide service learning in rehabilitative services, employee wellness programs, and athletic enhancement for high school and college athletes. The Science Program is also proud of the SMSU Planetarium which houses a Spitz 512 Star Projector system with a 30-foot dome. Fulldome digital shows are regularly scheduled throughout the year for students and the public to enjoy.
If you love science, SMSU is the place for you to dive into learning under the caring instruction of our science professors.