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On-Campus Graduate Program Advising Form
Southwest Minnesota State University
Name: __________________________________________________    Expected Graduation date (MO/YR): ______________________
Date you entered graduate classes at SMSU: _______________

Core Courses(11 Credits)

Courses Course Title Credit Semester
ED 623 Professional Planning & Assessment 2 F2 – E & O
ED 625 21st Century Brain-Based Teaching and Learning 3 F - O
ED 632 Linking Teaching, Content & Learning 3 F - E
ED 635 Content & Curriculum Development 3 Sp –E & O

Research Component (8 Credits)

Courses Course Title Credit Semester
ED 622 Research in Education 3 Sp1 – E & O
ED 624 Research Project Design 3 Su1 – E & O
ED 627 Research Project Implementation 2 Sp2 – E & O

Professional Field Emphasis-[Insert Emphasis] (15 Credits)

Courses Course Title Credit Semester
ED 621 Critical Theory of Education Systems 3 F – O
ED 626 Democracy, Diversity and Education 3 Sp – E
ED 631 Professional Learning Communities 3 F – E
ED 633 Trends and Issues in Education (May substitute an elective of choice) 3 Su – E & O
ED 634 Educators as Change Agents 3 Sp – O

Note: This is a tentative schedule. Classes will be offered based on enrollment.

*F-Fall, Sp-Spring, Su-Summer; E- Available even years only O- Available odd years only; 1- Take in first year of program 2- Take in second year of program. *- First listing is the suggested time to take this course however; it is available more than once each year. You are responsible to keep informed of any changes in requirements, which may affect your academic career.

** Students enrolled in the Masters of Science in Education program choose between Plan A and Plan B options. All students complete the Professional Education Core and a Professional Field Emphasis. Students who opt for Plan A complete ED 627, "Research Project Implementation" for a total program length of 34-38 credits. Students who opt for Plan B may take ED 624, "Research Project Design" or an elective in place of ED 627, "Research Project Implementation" for a total program length of 32-36 credits.

Last Modified: 4/2/24 11:45 AM | Website Feedback