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Understanding the Accommodation process

Accessibility Services works with students with documented disabilities and their instructors to provide reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and support services that are based upon documentation, functional limitations, and a collaborative assessment of needs.  Instructors are involved in a myriad of ways, i.e. assisting students in arranging for note takers, helping to facilitate the exam taking process, and providing text book information early so students are able to receive alternative media at the start of the semester.  Clearly, students, Accessibility Services and faculty need to work together to ensure access to the classroom and learning.

Captioning and Academic Technology

Faculty and staff should contact Accessibility Services and/or Technology Support Services as they provide accessibility consulting for online instruction and media captioning support. This page describes the captioning process and how to reach the department.

Last Modified: 3/27/23 5:06 PM | Website Feedback