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OneNote will record a lecture and convert it to text.  OneNote also has the functionality to then read the text back in audio format. 

Prior to using OneNote to record a lecture both the student and professor must review and sign the “Agreement for Recording Lectures” and “Signed Audio Recording Agreement”.  The document is available through Accessibility services.   

To get started, Access OneNote through the app in Microsoft 356  

OneNote Logo

Click on New notebook  

New Notebook

A text box will open and will allow you to name the notebook. For example, the notebook could be named “Biology 101” (the name of the class you intend to use this tool for).

Click Create 


This opens up the “notebook” titled Biology 101.  

If this is the first time you have accessed the notebook titled Biology 101, the following message will appear.   

Empty Notebook Message

Follow the prompt to either press ENTER or click on the linkThis will allow you to name a section of the notebookFor example, you may name the section “first semester”. 

Name a section of the notebook

You then have the option to name the pageFor example, you may name the page the date of the class and/or what number class it is

Option to name the page

Move the cursor into the body of the document and click on the microphone found on the top right of the pageThis will activate the recording functionThe microphone will turn red and will indicate it is “listening”.  When you are done recording, click the microphone again.

Record Icon

OneNote continuously saves the document to the cloud as it is recording.   

If you would like the content of the recording to be read back to you, click on view on the top of the page and then Immersive Reader. 

Inmersive Reader

You will find your saved “notebooks” on the OneNote home page under “My notebooks”. 

My Notebooks

Last Modified: 9/7/23 11:03 AM | Website Feedback