Academic Deans' Office
The Academic Deans' Office oversees the operation of the academic departments, student grade appeals, academic appeals, academic dishonesty appeals, and the academic Deans' List. The Academic Deans' Office is a resource for students and others who have questions or concerns about academic issues.
College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences
Dr. Lori Baker is the Dean of the College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences. The College is home to 5 academic departments, including English, Philosophy, Spanish, and the Humanities; Fine Arts and Communication; Mathematics and Computer Science; Science; and Social Sciences. The Honors Program and the McFarland Library are also housed in the College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences (ALS). The majority of the SMSU Liberal Education Program and Minnesota Transfer courses come from programs in Arts, Letters, and Sciences, providing SMSU students with a broad foundation to their university education, in the tradition of the liberal arts.
Office: BA 262 | Phone: 507.537.6251 | Email:

College of Business, Education, and Professional Studies
Dr. Raphael Onyeaghala is the Dean of the College of Business, Education, Graduate, and Professional Studies. The College houses a variety of programs through four academic departments – Department of Business, Innovations & Strategy, Department of Education, Department of Agriculture, Culinology® and Hospitality Management, and the Department of Nursing. Dr. Onyeaghala also serves as the Dean of Graduate Studies, the Dean of Online Learning and Transfer Partnerships. The College offers the following graduate programs: Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Science in Education (on-campus and off-campus), Physical Education - Coaching of Sports, Special Education and Administrative Licensure. He also supervises the Small Business Development Center (SBDC). Additionally, Dr. Onyeaghala serves as the Director of Summer Sessions.
Office: BA 263 | Phone: 507.537.6251 | Fax: 507.537.6472 | Email:
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