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Seed Coalition Awards

Seed Coalition (formerly Iowa & Minnesota Campus Compact) Presidents' Awards

Seed Coalition Presidents’ Awards

Presidents’ Student Leadership Award

This award is for an individual student or a student organization that models a deep commitment to civic responsibility and leadership, evidenced by initiative, innovative and collaborative approaches to addressing public issues, effective community building, and integration of civic engagement into the college experience.

Presidents’ Civic Engagement Leadership Award (formerly the Civic Engagement Steward Award)

This award is for a member of the faculty, administration, or staff or for a group (e.g., advisory committee, task force, project team) that has significantly advanced their campus’ distinctive civic mission by forming strong partnerships, supporting others’ civic engagement, and working to institutionalize a culture and practice of engagement. 

Presidents’ Community Partner Award

This award is for a community-based organization that has enhanced the quality of life in the community in meaningful and measurable ways and has engaged in the development of sustained, reciprocal partnerships with the college or university, thus enriching educational as well as community outcomes.

SMSU Past Winners of Seed Coalition Presidents' Awards

Seed Coalition Engaged Campus Awards

In order to spotlight great projects, partnerships, and programs, Seed Coalition also accepts nominations, to recognize great projects, partnerships, and programs related to civic and community engagement. For each award cycle, each member campus is invited to select one awardee in each category for both President's Awards and Engaged Campus Awards. Awardees may be individuals or groups at the discretion of the member campus.

The Engaged Campus Award for Alumni Leadership recognizes an alum of a member institution making strong contributions to their community and demonstrating the values of the civic mission of higher education.

The Engaged Campus Award for Community Collaboration recognizes a collaboration co-created with community organizations, leaders, and/or partners that is deep, reciprocal, and transformational.

The Engaged Campus Award for Emerging Innovation recognizes a recent project, program, or initiative making unique and innovative contributions that demonstrate strong future potential, including student-led projects.


Newman Civic Fellow

The Newman Civic Fellowship recognizes and supports community-committed students who are change makers and public problem-solvers at Campus Compact member institutions. Fellows are nominated by their president or chancellor on the basis of their potential for public leadership.

Newman Civic Fellowship Past Winners

Last Modified: 8/7/24 9:26 AM | Website Feedback