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First Six Weeks Checklist

Your First Six Weeks as a Mustang - Spring Semester

Week Before Classes Begin

  • Print your class schedule.
  • Purchase textbooks and necessary school supplies.
  • Explore campus and the city of Marshall.
  • Purchase a 2019-2020 planner.
  • Begin to check your SMSU email daily. (As a reminder, this is how SMSU faculty & staff will communicate with you.)
  • Stay “in the know” with campus news and events by making SMSU Today your homepage:
  • Follow the Student Success & Advising Center on Twitter! @SMSUSuccess

Week 1

  • Go to class.
  • Read the syllabus for each of your classes thoroughly. Understand what professors expect from you as a student.
  • Get organized by entering the due dates of class projects, papers, assignments, exams into your planner from each of your course syllabi.
  • Stop in the SMSU McFarland Library and take a look at all four floors to see the services, collections, and study areas that are available to you! 
  • Meet minimum payment criteria to stay enrolled in classes by Friday, January 17th. (Click here for more details.)
  • Finalize spring semester class schedule by Friday, January 17th. (This is the last day you can add or drop classes with a refund.)
  • Review the Resource Guide for Mustang Success to become familiar with available support services at SMSU should you need to access them at any time:
  • Stop by the Student Success & Advising Center in Individualized Learning (IL) 224 if you have any questions or concerns about your college experience.
  • Surround yourself with positive role models and friends.

Week 2

  • Go to class.
  • Get to know your professors by introducing yourself during their scheduled office hours or before/after class. Building this relationship is key to your success!
  • Get involved on campus and attend the annual club/organization fair in the upper level Student Center on TBD.
  • Schedule a time to meet with your Academic Advisor. (Advisor information can be found on your DARS report and in e-services. Contact information can be found using the following website:
  • Set personal & academic goals. Give yourself something to strive for this semester! Need assistance?
  • Be open to making new friends in your classes. Remember, some of these friends could be a helpful study buddy in the future.

Week 3

  • Go to class.
  • If you find yourself into a bind, don’t forget to utilize our helpful resources made available to you on campus.
  • Seek tutoring help if needed in the (D2L Brightspace), Math Learning Center (IL 224) or the Writing Center (BA 527).
  • Attend a club/organization meeting that is of interest to you.
  • Enhance your college experience by seeking out volunteer opportunities in the Marshall community by visiting the SMSU Civic Engagement website by clicking here.

Week 4

  • Go to class.
  • Prep for any upcoming quizzes or exams. (Did you know you should spend two hours studying for every hour in class?)
  • Schedule a meeting with the Student Success & Advising Center or Early Alert Intervention Team Member if you received an alert in any of your classes. (You will be notified via SMSU email and/or phone if applicable).
  • Grab your Hawaiian gear and attend SMSU's annual Hawaiian Night basketball game on Saturday, February 8th.
  • Take a break. Visit downtown Marshall to shop and dine with friends:

Week 5

  • Go to class.
  • Take care of yourself by eating healthy, exercising a ½ hour 3-5 times a week, and getting 8 hours of sleep a night.
  • Participate in campus events and activities.
  • Visit local parks and bike trails to check out the beautiful fall colors and scenery. (Camden State Park is within 15 minutes and Garvin Park is within 20 minutes from Marshall.)

Week 6

  • Go to class. (You are half-way through the semester… Don’t stop now!)
  • Pay your tuition bill by Tuesday, February 18th. (If you are on a SMSU payment plan, $30 charge will apply and 1/2 of your total account balance must be paid.)
  • Touch base with your professors to discuss your grade and determine what strategies are necessary to finish the semester strong.
  • Evaluate what changes need to occur to meet your goals that you set for yourself during week two.
  • If you are an undeclared major, consider meeting with Career Services (BA 156) or simply utilize the FOCUS tool on their website to help you identify possible career paths:

Last Modified: 8/23/24 11:36 AM | Website Feedback